Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Oooh, Steamy! 'SMS Set 12: Heated Romance Winners

Once again, 'SMS ended up with a very diverse group of entries for Set 12. It's really amazing to see all the different things competitors can come up with when given minimal Set requirements!!

If anyone who has experience with judging and editing would like to guest judge for this next Set, it would be greatly appreciated! If you're interested, go ahead and either leave a comment here, a private message on Simagination, or shoot me an email :)

I'd also like to thank Evie (aka CreatureFearSims) for guest judging this round! She's a very talented editor and provided some awesome critiques on everyone's photos. Thanks Evie!

Here's our winners for Set 12:

(Click here for the results page)

SassyDana took her second win in a row in the NHE category for her awesome hula-themed entry. She did exactly what we look for most in this competition: She paid special attention to detail and took care in every aspect of her photo. Congrats Dana!

CookieDough987, a fairly new competitor to 'SMS, took her first ever win in the HE category! She went all out with her clothes drawing, hair drawing, and background creation to present this gorgeous mythical entry. She paid wonderful attention to detail, just like Dana did. Wonderful work Cookie!

I wanted to take a second to stress just how important attention to detail is in 'SMS. These two competitors really hit home with their entries in terms of detail, and both landed first place. There's a strong connection between winning and adding a lot of detail.

Of course we can't forget the others who competed this round!!

- Non-Hair Editing -

2nd Place: BanSmiley

3rd Place: Emogirl95

4th Place: FlawlessAria

5th Place: bluebunnirabbitt

6th Place: aa13s10

7th place: TheLastGhost

8th Place: mvande

- Hair Editing -

2nd Place: natrules12

3rd Place: DivaDreamz99

4th Place: sweetstop7

5th Place: JewelsRule

6th Place: bluebunnirabbitt

Set 13: Swordplay is now on the front page of the 'SMS thread!! The only requirement is that you add a sword. Come swashbuckle with us!!

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