Showing posts with label 'SMS Winner's Circle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'SMS Winner's Circle. Show all posts

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Cutthroat Champions - 'SMS Set 13: Swordplay Winners

Competitors transformed my model Lotus DarkWind into a fierce, sword-weilding warrior for this round of 'SMS. A big thank you to Krussidulle for being my guest judge this round and placing all the photos in the Hair Editing category. She's currently competing alongside myself in Inspiration, Cycle 3.

Also, come check out the brand new look of the 'SMS front page! More sleek, more modern, more edgy! Nothing beats a simple but stylish layout :)

Here's our Set 13 winners:

Kaliko103, who we actually haven't seen around 'SMS in quite a while, nabbed a spot in first place in the NHE category. Her mystical theme and sense of movement in the photo made it stand out from the others, and the care and time she spent on the background made the entire photo just beautiful. Nice work Kali!

Out of nowhere came this incredible entry from a brand new competitor, Clle1P (also known as Celle). She was the first competitor ever to paint every addition from scratch, including the background. By placing the sword in the background instead of her hand and using a rose in its place, Celle added depth of meaning to her photo that really seemed to tell a story. Congrats Celle!

Can't forget to mention our other awesome Set 13 competitors!

- Non-Hair Editing -

2nd Place: SassyDana

3rd Place: BanSmiley

4th Place: ashleyadorable

5th Place: LadyEmillye

6th Place: aa13s10

7th Place: SLAHP4

- Hair Editing -

2nd Place: CookieDough987

3rd Place: Simanims

4th Place TIE: CashingTheFame & StrawberryCayke

5th Place: JewelsRule

6th Place: EmmyBird

7th Place TIE: Emogirl95 & bluebunnirabitt

8th Place: loopyloo01

9th Place: SLAHP4

Set 14: Pinned Perfection is now up on the front page with screenshots by the awesome JewelsRule! Create a gorgeous, curvaceous 50s pin-up photo. You know you want to!! 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Oooh, Steamy! 'SMS Set 12: Heated Romance Winners

Once again, 'SMS ended up with a very diverse group of entries for Set 12. It's really amazing to see all the different things competitors can come up with when given minimal Set requirements!!

If anyone who has experience with judging and editing would like to guest judge for this next Set, it would be greatly appreciated! If you're interested, go ahead and either leave a comment here, a private message on Simagination, or shoot me an email :)

I'd also like to thank Evie (aka CreatureFearSims) for guest judging this round! She's a very talented editor and provided some awesome critiques on everyone's photos. Thanks Evie!

Here's our winners for Set 12:

(Click here for the results page)

SassyDana took her second win in a row in the NHE category for her awesome hula-themed entry. She did exactly what we look for most in this competition: She paid special attention to detail and took care in every aspect of her photo. Congrats Dana!

CookieDough987, a fairly new competitor to 'SMS, took her first ever win in the HE category! She went all out with her clothes drawing, hair drawing, and background creation to present this gorgeous mythical entry. She paid wonderful attention to detail, just like Dana did. Wonderful work Cookie!

I wanted to take a second to stress just how important attention to detail is in 'SMS. These two competitors really hit home with their entries in terms of detail, and both landed first place. There's a strong connection between winning and adding a lot of detail.

Of course we can't forget the others who competed this round!!

- Non-Hair Editing -

2nd Place: BanSmiley

3rd Place: Emogirl95

4th Place: FlawlessAria

5th Place: bluebunnirabbitt

6th Place: aa13s10

7th place: TheLastGhost

8th Place: mvande

- Hair Editing -

2nd Place: natrules12

3rd Place: DivaDreamz99

4th Place: sweetstop7

5th Place: JewelsRule

6th Place: bluebunnirabbitt

Set 13: Swordplay is now on the front page of the 'SMS thread!! The only requirement is that you add a sword. Come swashbuckle with us!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Evening Excellence: 'SMS Set 11: The Dead of Night Winners

I'm really loving the ideas competitors have been coming up with for these Sets with more open guidelines, so I think I'll keep it that way for a while! The theme diversity in all the entries for Set 11 really blew me away.

The search continues for a new second judge for the competition, so once again, if you're interested, please fill out this application and email it to me. For now though, I'm accepting volunteers as guest judges, so if you're interested in that either email me about it or post on the thread.

I give you the Set 11 Winners:

SassyDana embodied the scary side of nighttime with her awesome haunted forest photo. She really pulled me in with the striking mood created by all the dark colors, paired with Snow's bright white eyes. She did a really nice job with her editing and showed that she has some definite skill!

Simanims managed to nab herself her fifth win in 'SMS history for her incredible Avengers-inspired entry!! I think that other editors should really take note of all of her work because she balances out her amazing editing skills with creative ideas, which is exactly what 'SMS is all about.

And here are the other competitors who placed this round:

- Non-Hair Editing -

2nd Place: Kitteh1324

3rd Place: horsesrox76

4th Place: loopyloo01

- Hair Editing -

2nd Place: alverna

3rd Place: CreatureFearSims

4th Place: CookieDough987

5th Place: Anita7777777

Honorable Mention: JewelsRule

HonorableMention: KittyKat6369

'SMS Set 12: Heated Romance is now up on the front page, with screenshots generously contributed by CreatureFearSims, also known as Evie!! Take note of a couple new features this round:

- The screenshots are already cut out for you, so you can skip that step of your edit!

- The hair in the NHE category has been beautifully drawn in by Evie, instead of having in-game hair.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

At the Top of the Fashion Pyramid - 'SMS Set 10: Strut Winners

'SMS is back up and rolling on a regular schedule again, whoop whoop! So this last Set? Set 10? Yeah. I don't think I've ever had a harder time judging a group of entries in all my judging history. The amount of talent exuding from these pictures was totally overwhelming.

As a result of all the incredible entries, placing will now go up to 5th rather than 3rd, and all entries will receive at least an Honorable Mention and some feedback. Also, on a very important note, I'm seeking  an amazing second judge for 'SMS. If you're interested, please check out the application here and email it to me if you meet the requirements.

Alright, here are the Set 10 winners!!

Simanims came out of nowhere with another one of her awesome sci-fi edits and nabbed first place in the Non-Hair Editing category! Amazingly enough, all the clothes you see here were completely drawn by her, and the whole image was inspired by her original digital painting, which I just had to link to here!! Other 'SMS competitors should really take note of the impressive creativity Nims has brought to this photo. While editing is a very important aspect of the competition, creativity also makes a huge difference in placement. Congrats, Nims, on your fourth 'SMS win!

Speaking of coming out of nowhere, we saw a reappearance by one insanely talented competitor this round, generalflame! If you want a prime example of completely transforming a screenshot, look no further than flame's incredible Rococo portrait above. Every little piece of this edit is well-tended, from the curly blond updo to the lovely wrinkles and ribs on the dress. It was a daring move to take on a historical theme, but no doubt, flame has pulled it off.

Can't forget to mention the others who placed this round!

- Non-Hair Editing -

2nd Place: Kitteh1324

3rd Place: CookieDough987

4th Place: LadyEmillye

- Hair Editing -

2nd Place TIE: HARRYwasHERE & CreatureFearSims

3rd Place TIE: jilliebee22 & CookieDough987

4th Place: Alverna

5th Place: deathxisxlove

Honorable Mention: deepdown

Honorable Mention: nz_angel

Congratulations are in order for all of you for really raising the bar this round! 'SMS Set 11: The Dead of Night has gone up on the front page of the thread. Give it a whirl!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Back from the Grave: Winners of 'SMS Set 9: Stranded!

After a lengthy period of a way-too-quiet 'SMS thread, I finally got around to posting the results for Set 9! We had a fairly low turnout for this round - only six entries total. Despite how few entries there were, there definitely was no lack of talent and awesomeness.

A newcomer to the competition, KymB96, took first place for her entry in the Non-Hair Editing Category. She paid amazing attention to detail by adding in subtle things like the dirt on Lynx and Ailios's feet and knees, and the mascara running down Lynx's cheeks. Her story was mysterious, gripping my attention. Congrats Kym, hope to see you participating again!

With the results of this Set, Simanims has become the first competitor in 'SMS history to win three rounds!! She got a little special recognition for that with the golden (3). I think I'll be adding this as a new feature to the competition for anyone who wins more than one set. Nims's photo was so striking and well-done; I'm still competely blown away by it. Everything flows together perfectly from the beautiful combination of the white eyes, black hair, and pale green skin to the impressive clothing that I still can't figure out. Great job Simanims!

And, of course, here's a shout-out to those other four competitors!

- Non-Hair Editing -

2nd Place: JewelsRule

3rd Place: EmmyBird

Honorable Mention: JCSim13

- Hair Editing -

2nd Place: nz_angel

Congrats to all six of you! So glad to have 'SMS back up and running...I've even got a brand new Set for everyone, and this time, 'SMS has gone high fashion! Check out Set 10: Strut, with screenshots from the lovely Reiya, also known as TheMeeepMoop. This Set's waiting for you!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Brrrr! Winners for 'SMS Set 8: It's Chilly! Also Welcome the New 'SMS Co-Host!!

I know this is coming late, but hey, I still posted it before the next results, right? Anyway, we got a lot of amazing, wintery entries for this round and it ended up being pretty hard to choose winners!! Despite those typical judging hardships, I was able to choose winners after all!!

Before I go into that, though, I'd like to welcome 'SMS's brand new co-host, Evergreen226, also very well known as Jake!! I'm certain he'll be a helpful and informative judge. Welcome, Jake!!

For the second time in a row, LadyEmillye has snagged herself a spot in first place for the Non-Hair Editing category! Note the meticulous attention to detail here: This is exactly the sort of thing that makes photos really stick in my mind. A picture like this is so believable and I find myself very immersed in the atmosphere it emits. It makes me wish I were there! Congrats LE, and keep up your awesome editing!

mynanluvsrpatz blew me away with this mystical, enchanting photo! By far, this was the most drastically changed picture out of the whole bunch...but it totally paid off. From her impressive clothes drawing to her nicely drawn hair, mynan has shown a lot of hard work and dedication to this entry. Congrats mynan!

And, of course, our other Set 8 winners:

- Non-Hair Editing-

Honorable Mention:

- Hair Editing -

Honorable Mentions:

'SMS Set 9: Stranded is already closed for entries, but go ahead and take a look at the contenders if you'd like!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Winners Revealed for 'SMS Set 7: Maria!!!

Set 7: Maria was the first open edit that 'Shop Me Stunning has had in quite some time (the last one was the very first Set). All of the entrants showed great amounts of creativity, but here are those who ended up at the front of the pack!

Congratulations LadyEmillye and Simanims, our first placers!!

The striking, standout appearance of LadyEmillye's entry is what helped to land her first place in the Non-Hair Editing category. Her photo sets up a whole story just in itself, without needing any extra description. She did a wonderful job altering Maria's original dress and editing in her horse. Every part of LE's photo comes together brilliantly.

Simanims, a multiple time winner of 'SMS, gave us a taste of her classic dark style with this lovely, almost industrial-looking photo. She utilized the idea of motion beautifully by making Maria's hair and dress windblown. She has the ability to drastically change the appearance of a screenshot, and in this case, it landed her first place in the Hair Editing category.

And here are our other Set 7 placers!

- Non-Hair Editing -

2nd Place (TIE): lmcarrotcake

2nd Place (TIE): ixSydney

3rd Place: TheMeeepMoop

Honorable Mentions:

- Hair Editing -

2nd Place: Kitteh1324

3rd Place: Hanechon

Honorable Mention:

Set 8: It's Chilly! Is now up on the 'SMS front page! It's been a while since I've contributed my own screenshots for a Set, so this time I used my very favorite model, Lotus Darkwind! Go give it a shot, you just might end up winning!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Quest is Over: 'SMS Set 6 Winners!

I FINALLY found enough free time to get the results out for 'SMS, Set 6: Adventurous! I know it's been a long time in between the deadline and the actual results, but that didn't make the pictures any less awesome.

A big congrats to two first-time winners, ixSydney and generalflame!

ixSydney's hard work and great attention to detail really helped her mystical entry stand out from the crowd! There's not a single part of her picture that feels empty or underdone. Subtle additions such as the light globs around the staff and the menacing eyes in the window help to take the viewer into this fantasy world that she's created. Not to mention, her story is gripping and really leaves you wanting to know how it ends.

Generalflame is an incredibly talented editor who has popped up in the Sims Modeling Community pretty much out of nowhere. Her entry caused quite the stir with its precise clothes drawing, realistic hair, and beautiful lighting. Right down to the glowing edges of Lucia's hair, this entry is pure magic. The story to accompany it sets up a solid background, and leaves the extra details up to the readers' interpretation.

And how can we forget the other wonderful editors who placed in Set 6?

- Non-Hair Editing -

2nd Place: ladybug65

3rd Place: Mystical_night

Honorable Mention: deepdown

Honorable Mention: CUTEPEACH

- Hair Editing -

2nd Place: ilovesims56

3rd Place: GlamBunny8189

Honorable Mention: StrawberryCayke

Honorable Mention: penskii

Honorable Mention: Simanims

Honorable Mention: TheMeeepMoop

Set 7: Maria is now up on the 'Shop Me Stunning front page! This is only the second completely open edit in 'SMS history, with screenshots by that awesome guy Evergreen226 of his model Maria! You can really let your imagination take control with this one. Go ahead, you know you want to ;)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Experts in Sexy: 'SMS Set 5 Winners!

'Shop Me Stunning Set 5's all wrapped up! Two editors really gave it their all this round.

Congrats to MzDiamond92 and HARRYwasHERE! Your photos were truly exquisite.

MzDiamond's exceptional creativity helped hand her first place in the Non-Hair Editing category! She gave viewers a little something extra by turning her entire image into a postcard with a well thought-out message. Her little details like the kiss at the bottom were, as Jillie put it, "So Elda". MzDiamond is proving to be a very talented editor, and a force to be reckoned with!

Harry's personal and distinctive style really shined through in this photo. Sometimes less is more, and that's definitely the case with this simple yet beautiful edit. His hair drawing and work on Elda's face were just so well executed and precise, and this win was well-earned!

And, of course, our other placers this round:

- Non-Hair Editing -

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

- Hair Editing -

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

Honorable Mention: StevieFischer

Set 6: Adventurous is now up on the 'SMS front page with screenshots by our Hair Editing winner this round, HARRYwasHERE, of his gorgeous model Lucia! If you've never competed in 'SMS before, there's no better time to start than right now. Who knows? You could dominate!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Mystery Revealed: 'SMS Set 4 Winners

'Shop Me Stunning Set 4 has come to an end, with two gorgeously mysterious edits standing apart from the rest.

Congratulations StevieFischer (Evie) and Simanims, you both more than deserved first for your wonderfully detailed edits!

Simanims set the bar very high by being the first to submit her two entries, one for each category. This hair was very difficult to cut out from the green background, but Simanims did a wonderful job of dealing with it, transforming the plain in-game hair into beautiful teal edited locks. She also received an honorable mention from Jillie for her hair editing piece, because she would have received first in that category as well if she hadn't won this one. Congrats Simanims, you stomped this round!

Evie took home her second consecutive win in the hair editing category with this amazing edit! She really embraced the idea of the word "mystery" with all of the small touches: the snake covering the model's eye, the bizarre mannequins in the back, and the dark subdued colors. Not to mention her incredibly distinctive and well-done hair drawing. Awesome work Evie, keep it up!!

But of course, we can't forget those who also placed this round:

- Non-Hair Editing -

2nd Place: simsolated

3rd Place: FishGirl4

- Hair Editing -

2nd Place: CashingTheFame

3rd Place: MysticFeline

Each and every person that entered did an awesome job in Set 4, and it was beyond difficult for Jillie and I to come to a decision! Set 5: Summertime Sexy is now up on the 'SMS front page, with screenshots by Jillie of her gorgeous model, Elda! Show us what you can do.

Also, you can now view blog posts of all the past 'SMS winners by clicking the "'SMS Winner's Circle" button underneath the "My Other Pages" bar.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Talented Editors Come Out on Top in 'SMS Set 3!!!

The 'SMS Set 3 results are here, and despite dozens of beautiful and amazing entries, Jillie and I were finally able to make a decision on the winners!

A big congratulations to StevieFischer (Evie) and simsolated for your elegant editing transformations!

simsolated is the first person in 'Shop Me Stunning history to win first place two times! And for good reason. He brings a distinctive theme to all of his edits, winning first for a devilishly dark mistress in Set 1, and now a gorgeous elf princess in Set 3. The photo has a magical, enchanted feel to it with beautiful attention to detail. Congrats on your second win, and we can't wait to see more from you!!

StevieFischer, better known as Evie, has become a dynamic editor in the Sims 3 modeling Community. Her hair drawing is precise and beautiful, and that's exactly what she brought to her entry for Set 3. Those gorgeous burgundy locks are really beautiful, and the delicate jewelry really adds to the princess vibe. It was such a clever move to slightly blur the background, making the model the true focus of the photo while still showing beautiful and peaceful scenery. Congrats, Evie!

And here are the other awesome editors who placed this round:

- Non-Hair Editing-

2nd Place: rubyandnora97

3rd Place: ashpie88

- Hair Editing -

2nd Place: twilight714

3rd Place: Simluver1098

Congrats to all six of you! Everyone did a really fantastic job this past round. Check out and possibly even participate in Set 4: Mysterious, where the only requirement is to base your edit off of the word "Mystery." Screenshots generously contributed by crg1999!

Monday, May 9, 2011

'Shop Me Stunning Set 2 WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

SAfter a slight delay due to finals, 'Shop Me Stunning Set 2's winners have been chosen!!!

Congrats to Kaliko103 and Island6, you both did such wonderful work and totally deserve first place!

Here's the evolution from raw screenshot to Kaliko's insanely colorful edit! I adored how much effort she put into this, it looks like it was a ton of work to change the hair like that! Not to mention the shirt as well. Kaliko really went above and beyond the requirement when I asked for color, and it definitely paid off.

And here we have Island6's lovely edit. She paid so much attention to detail and even went so far as to completely change the shirt that Imbri was wearing. This entry just screams "spring" to me, and I loved the additon of the bouquet of flowers and the basket. Island's creativity is what won her this round.

Also, a new feature has been added to the 'Shop Me Stunning competition! Rather than having just one overall winner for each category, there will now be a winner, a second placer, and a third placer for each category. Here's the other editors that placed!

Non-hair Editing:
2nd Place - ilovesims56
3rd Place - ashpie88

Hair Editing
2nd Place - StevieFischer
3rd Place - penskii

Congrats to the six of you. Hopefully we see you return to compete again!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

WINNERS ANNOUNCED For 'Shop Me Stunning!!!

Well ladies and gents, it was an intense and bustling two weeks with entries pouring in from left and right, and now that the dust has finally settled, two simmers have come out on top...

Congrats to simsolated and Chouxie, the very first winners of 'Shop Me Stunning!

Here's simsolated's delightfully dark non-hair edit that took the winning spot! Much thanks to my co-host, Jillie, for picking it. simsolated decided to take advantage of a free edit round, and went in a completely different direction than the other competitors. I recall when this was posted, and I was completely blown away by the drastic difference and detail! Nice job, simsolated. *claps*

And here's Chouxie's winning pic for the hair editing category, in all its liquified glory! She transformed the face, but did it well enough that it's hard to tell! This edit is great through all its subtle details including the drop shadow and beauty mark. Truly wonderful work Chouxie, you've got some talent!! *runs around*